Contoh Proposal Rutilahu: Membangun Ruang Terbuka Hijau yang Sehat dan Ramah Lingkungan By wans at 03.33 Proposal pembangunan Rutilahu (Ruang Terbuka Hijau Lestari) ini disusun untuk merencanakan dan mengajukan proyek pembangunan ruang terbuka ...
Contoh Proposal Rehabilitasi Masjid: Membangun Tempat Ibadah yang Lebih Baik dan Nyaman By wans at 03.30 Rehabilitasi masjid adalah upaya yang mulia untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan fasilitas tempat ibadah yang memiliki nilai spiritual dan so...
Contoh Proposal Rencana Bisnis: Mewujudkan Visi Menuju Kesuksesan Wirausaha By wans at 03.27 Merencanakan bisnis dengan baik adalah kunci untuk mencapai kesuksesan dalam dunia wirausaha. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan memberikan conto...
Contoh Proposal Rehabilitasi Ruang Kelas: Menciptakan Lingkungan Belajar yang Optimal By wans at 11.30 Rehabilitasi ruang kelas adalah langkah penting dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan kualitas fasilitas belajar bagi siswa. Dalam artikel ini, ka...
Leadership Development By wans at 21.02 This article focuses on leadership in the workplace, for both aspiring leaders and those managers who are taking on leadership roles. Keywo...
Leadership Crisis - How A Crisis In Leadership Can Ruin Your Business By wans at 21.01 Todays businesses are experiencing a worrying lack leadership, not only to lead current businesses forward into growth and expansion but to...
Leadership And Team Management By wans at 21.00 This article is designed to provide guidance for managers who are involved in leading the strategic direction of their organisations.Here w...
Leadership - Why Successful People Arent Always Successful Leaders? By wans at 21.00 Just because someone is successful doesn't mean they are going to be a good leader. Many successful people thrive in spite of their poo...
Leadership, Tribal Spiritual Wisdom, And The Leadership Talk By wans at 20.59 Summary: Tribal spiritual wisdom can be used along with a contemporary leadership process developed by the author to help the reader lead m...
Leadership: One Quick And Easy Thing You Can Do Right Way To Improve Your Results By wans at 20.58 People who want to lose weight search for a magic program that will let them lose weight without changing how they eat or whether they exer...
Leadership: One Easy Thing You can do Right Away to Improve Your Results By wans at 20.57 There may not be any magic in management, but this simple act is as close as it gets. Keywords: supervision, management, leadership Article...
Leadership: Is Mentoring For You? By wans at 20.56 If you are considering mentoring a younger person, here are some things to think about. Make sure that mentoring is for you. Most effective...
Leadership: Is It For You? By wans at 20.55 Leadership is something that is fundamentally part of a society. It is necessary in any good society that someone stands up and takes charg...
Contoh Proposal Renovasi Musholla: Membangun Tempat Ibadah yang Nyaman dan Ramah By wans at 14.30 Renovasi musholla adalah langkah penting dalam memperbarui dan meningkatkan fasilitas tempat ibadah bagi umat. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan...
Importance Of Listening When Doing A Speech By wans at 06.26 Try listening to other expert speakers as much as possible during a speaking event especially the guest speaker since they may be able to p...